The bird that moved in with me

Ed Springer
Jul 8, 2022


A really really short story on survival

Photo by Jacques LE HENAFF on Unsplash

On a bright, sunny, winter day

Many months ago,

a bird flew into my home


through one of the windows.

Since then I have kept my windows open

even on rainy days, except at night

Hoping that she finds her way out

She lashes about

Crashing against walls and windows

Hoping to escape. Doesn’t.

I am not great with birds.

I am unable to help her too.

Except with food, water

and an adopted home.

She goes quiet for a week.

I sense that she has found her peace

and possibly her home.

But she desperately flutters

In a bid for freedom.

Her name is Pain.

We co-exist now.

She is part of me.



Ed Springer

Dad. Husband. Friend. Mate.Son. Curious about the business of tech. Passionate about photography. Student of life.