A Journey of Discovery and Healing

Ed Springer
Apr 3, 2023


4 tankas

Photo by Quino Al on Unsplash

Blister in my mouth,

Borne from biting my own lip,

A persistent pain,

Tended to with medicine,

And healed by my body’s might.

Lingering discomfort,

Days of mindful awareness,

But then a reprieve,

Pain vanished without a trace,

Leaving only memories.

I do not recall

The exact day the pain ceased,

But now, in its wake,

I see the memory with ease,

No longer feeling the ache.

Looking back in time,

The hurt seems so far away,

The picture still clear,

But the pain is gone today,

Truly healed in every way.

The body when left to its own; heals. Maybe we should do the same for our minds too?



Ed Springer

Dad. Husband. Friend. Mate.Son. Curious about the business of tech. Passionate about photography. Student of life.